
Oasis AfricaOne Small Step is all it takes to Make a Difference

During a visit to Kibera in June 2005, our Global CEO, Mr Kim Winter discovered a community of 50 orphans and vulnerable children learning in a dark, small, sewage-ridden, unsafe iron shed. After seeing the need first hand, he and a group of friends in Sydney decided to start ‘Oasis Africa Australia – The Kibera School for orphans Project’ to raise awareness and funds.

3.9 million people live in slums in Kenya, which represents 55% of the urban population. Housing for Nairobi’s slum dwellers typically consists of shanties made of mud, wattle and iron sheets. There are as many as 250 shanties per hectare and there is little or no access to water, electricity, basic services and infrastructure with around 94% of slum dwellers lacking access to adequate sanitation. Meanwhile, the population of Kenya’s slums continues to growing almost 6 per cent each year.

Getting the Ball Rolling

On the 26 October 2006, the inaugural Oasis Africa Australia fundraiser was held in Sydney – a cocktail evening of Entertainment, African Dance, Art, Fashion, Music and Charity Auction. The night was a roaring success.

The combination of this event and subsequent fundraising efforts, has enabled Oasis Africa to focus on Secondary School & Vocational Scholarships for students in Kibera slum, and also to establish a partnership with a primary school in Soweto slum, Nairobi in 2013. A self-sustaining farming project was also established in 2013.

More than a decade later...We continue to invest in changing the lives of vulnerable children in Nairobi, Kenya

With thanks to Rob and his team from We are Content, we are excited to share our latest video showing you the current projects run by Oasis Africa and some fun footage of the 2017 Sydney fundraising event. This piece includes real supporters of Oasis Africa and their reasons behind their belief in what we do. Check it out:

Kibera Slum based Secondary School Scholarship students speak about the positive impact that Oasis Africa has imparted on them and their extended families. An absolute inspiration!

Nancy's StoryA day in the life of an Oasis Africa Australia Secondary School Scholarship student

Photographer, Chris Peken spent a day with Oasis Africa Australia Secondary School Scholarship student, Nancy in early 2015. The photographs he took throughout that day are depicted and highlight the opportunity to support these incredible children through the gift of education via the Oasis Africa Australia scholarship program.