Leadership Development

Leadership development is the process of creating an environment that places a priority on learning the skills and knowledge that grows the organization both financially and spiritually.

Guidance is based on the Coach working to unlock untapped potential in the Coaching Counterpart, sharing their experience, utilizing acknowledged processes, working on specific skills or proficiencies.

Our experienced and certified Coaches work with their Executive Counterparts over a series of confidential one-on-one sessions to productively challenge and stretch their thinking abilities, as well as act as a counsel and sounding board, seeking performance improvement through structured development techniques to achieve agreed outcomes.

Our individual, team and group-focused Executive coaching programs are proven to make a difference at all levels of the organization, from a first-time manager to the CEO in any sector bringing realistic and achievable professional goals and creates a platform for measurable results.

Individual executive and enterprise requirements are catered for with bespoke program content. Coaching programs include an initial agreement between the stakeholders (the selected Executive / Counterpart, their Sponsor / Direct Report and the Coach) including key focus points, engagement principles and targeted outcomes. Programs typically consist of monthly 2-3 hour coaching sessions and stakeholder briefings for a period of 6 to 12 month, often for longer duration.

We believe that Career Transition is not just about helping our clients manage the uncertainty that entails change, but achieve more with every transition.

Experienced and certified Coaches work with their Executive Counterparts over a series of confidential one-on-one sessions to achieve better decision making, improved personal and company performance, and enhanced business outcomes.

A professional Career Transition Program can play a central role in assisting organisational transformation and career shifts.

With several decades of global experience across multiple industries, we are ideally positioned to serve individuals and organisations with diverse interests and objectives.